Sunday, February 23, 2025
Home Tags Browser Targeting

Tag: Browser Targeting

Browser targeting is the ability to deliver a campaign or creative only to specific web browsers or even to specific web browser versions.

Browser targeting is useful when an ad creative is not compatible with all browsers or browsers versions, so the ability to only run on compatible browser is essential.

Advertisers have the possibility to target the following browsers: Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Netscape, Opera, Safari, Konqueror, Avant, Mozilla, Dillo, Maxthon and Apple Mail.

We’ve developed the first adult supply-side platform

supply-side platform
EroAdvertising is shaking the market with the new adult supply-side platform (SSP). As you’re used to saying: business is business! At EroAdvertising we know that at the end of the day results are what drive customers to choose the most profitable partner from all the available...
