Home Product How the Demand-Side Platform (DSP) works

How the Demand-Side Platform (DSP) works

Understand how the Demand-Side Platform (DSP) works

You’ve just found out what is Demand-Side Platform (DSP) and it’s now time to talk a little bit more in-depth about the technical aspects to understand how it works.

Use it as a self-serve media-buying platform

Our demand-side platform (DSP) is designed to be used as a self-serve media-buying platform, enabling you to create, manage, and optimize your desktop or mobile ad campaigns on your own.

Campaign building tool

Our user-friendly ad campaign building tool gives you full control to add parameters in order to target your audience. Targeting options such as location, demographics, language are available to add to your ad campaign.

Demand-side platform targeting options

Do you want to schedule your ads to appear only on specific days / and or during specific times? The time period option allows you to show your ads when you expect them to be successful. The maximum budget option allows you to set a maximum amount of money we’ll spend on a campaign and it will automatically stop running when it reaches the limit you set. Do you want to make sure that your ads are shown only on good-quality adult websites? The ad zone ranking option allows you to select different types of traffic qualities to get the best out every ad zone. In addition, you can block adult websites with sensitive content by creating the exclude filter and select the websites you don’t want to deal with or avoid forever.

The technical aspects of our Demand-Side Platform

How Real-Time Bidding (RTB) (additional information explanation of – The Real-Time Bidding (RTB) Ad Exchange) works.

Once you have set up the ad campaign(s) in our demand-side platform (DSP) including the targeting options and creative(s). The demand-side platform will start to analyze each website inventory to decide whether it fits the requirements and targeting settings. If it does, the DSP automatically calculates the maximum cost of the inventory and sends the bid response back to the Real-Time Bidding (RTB) ad exchange.

Real-Time Bidding

The price of a bid is based on your pre-set budgeting data and user information such as location, demographics and browsing behavior. Once an impression is sold to the highest bid, it is sent back to the website and is displayed to the user. This process occurs each time a user accesses a website or refreshes the page.

It’s important to note that this bidding process happens within the ad exchange in real-time, this is done roughly 100 milliseconds to complete – the back end is completely on autopilot.