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Why SERP Analysis is the key to SEO?

There is a big misunderstood around keywords research. People still think that the keyword process can be summed up by search volume and keyword difficulty. Now, we should also take into consideration a thing called SERP analysis, which is a fundamental part of keyword research. And when properly done can make a significant impact.

To resume, SERP analysis means analyzing the results you get after searching for a specific keyword and deciding that you will optimize for her after looking at your competition. It doesn’t really matter if you found a gold mine in a keyword, but only if you find one with good search volume and level of competition, you have a good chance of making money and convert.
These are the 3 fundamental aspects of a SERP competitor analysis:

  • Finding the right keywords
  • Learning your competition
  • SERP competitor analysis

Let’s go one by one to explain how you can execute each of the steps. So you have the best results!

Finding The Right Keyword 

To start you should find the right keywords for you and for your business, make sure they suit your customers, and the type of traffic that you want to bring to your website.

Let’s assume you’re optimizing a landing page for a new toy that just came out. When it comes to keywords you probably will optimize for words like “sex toy” or “new sex toy”. It really doesn’t matter what keywords you choose, but first, look at the first SERP.

Imagine that all results lead to blogs where people can learn more about this new toy. Then people simply don’t want to buy right away, they prefer to learn more about the product than properly buying. If you want people to buy you should optimize for different keywords like “buying sex toy”, is more conversion focus. 

Just imagine skipping SERP, you would have basically converted nothing because your keywords are a definite mismatch.

Learning Your Competition 

Now that you have your keywords let’s focus on your competition

As taking SERP strategies into consideration the aim is always to rank on 1st SERP or 2nd SERP. If you are in these spots it is proven that your CTR will be higher, however, your main objective should have as many engaged organic users with the right keywords. 

“How can I do that?” 

By looking at your competition! 

Analyzing by yourself it’s not easy, as much as you look as much time you take you still can’t analyze nearly as many things as a platform driven for that can. For a platform we recommend Ubersuggests, there you can analyze any competitor a full detail.

These types of platforms’ strongest benefits are with no douts evaluating the chances of dominating the organic search, but more than that is learning the search intent behind a keyword.

SERP Competitor Analysis 

It’s time to put everything into practice and start your SERP strategy. 

Start your searches directly in Google Search and see how your keyword is doing from a SERP perspective. It’s basically doing a search like the average user, the difference is that you are using some tools that can help analyze. The type of tools give information on ranking by keyword, country, etc, that’s why you need to use them as google gives you nothing on the details. 

Other than the previous tool that we mentioned before you can use google trends. It can also help you when it comes to keyword research. 

Now that you have done the majority of the work, analyzed the keywords, and your competition it is time to start writing and dominate that keyword’s market! 


To sum it up, we made a list of things to remember during a SERP analysis:

  • SERP analysis helps you with you’re targeting for a relevant keyword;
  • The better tools you use the better you will beat your competitors;
  •  Google SERP features such as AdWords, answer boxes, featured snippets, etc. may lower the CTR of organic results.

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